organ that we have in our skull is probably the most fragile and the most
important organ that we have in our body. It is not physical fragility we are
talking about, we are here to highlight the fragility it has in its
functioning. When you Google for the definition of the brain, we get “an organ of soft nervous tissue contained in
the skull of vertebrates, functioning as the coordinating center of sensation
and intellectual and nervous activity.” What if I tell you that some of the
decisions you make are affected by an array of factors which lead you into
believing that the decision is yours but you have no control over it. This is
explained perfectly in the book “Thinking,
Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman
by use of a story between 2 systems: System
1 and System 2.
System 1 is
responsible for all the involuntary work that our brain does, where we do not
have to thinkor the brain requires minimum functioning, for example: taking
your hand off of a hot plate or hitting the brakes when you see the stop sign
while driving or two times two. On the other hand, System 2 does the work when
there is need for the brain to work or it requires some computation, for
example: thirty two times eleven. In other words, System 1 is automatic and
quick, however System 2 comes in use when you need to do some effortful mental

However, sometimes
when we need to make voluntary choice decisions that require the system 2 to
work, System 1 makes the decision for us. Sometimes our Systems are affected by
what we see and do in taking decisions, for example in the book, Kahneman gives
an example: If we say the words Banana and Vomit, your system 1 will
automatically create a linked chain between the 2 words, however there was no
reason to do so but your brain in its functioning did create a link and due to
this you will avoid eating a banana for some time. Even though deciding whether
you want to eat a banana comes under System 2 but the System 1 and the link
that it created earlier will affect your decision. This highlights the
fragility of our brain, how just two words might affect your decision of what
to eat for breakfast. This was the work of System 1 as you had no control over
the aversion or the link you created between the two words. Sometimes, it does
not only affect the decision but takes the decision for you like in the above example.
This highlights the fragility of our brain, how just two words might affect
your decision of what to eat for breakfast.
Similarly, in an
another example of a psychological study from 1980’s, psychologists found out
that if you had heard the word “EAT” recently, then you are more likely to
complete the word SO_P as SOUP than as SOAP. This is described as the priming
effect. The priming effect affects our lives and we do-not get to know. If you
wake up in a good mood or listen to your favorite song after waking up, then
you will feel more energized and happy to take on your day at work. There are
innumerous articles that tell people to wake up with the sun shining on them to
make them feel happy to make them more productive throughout the day. In
another example, a lot of studies have found people to be twice as productive
as they normally are after doing something that they love, for example:
cleaning up, painting, exercising etc. The priming effect sets biases in our
brain, for example you are more likely to buy milk at the grocery store, if you
have seen cows in that day. This is a very small example, but overall
everything that you look at affects the decisions you make. Now there is
nothing to oppose the fact that looking at something you love or something that
you really like, it will only increase what you can do and increase your
For examples, you can
have a look at the images down here. I believe you can imagine for yourself
that if you woke up looking at something that you loved, maybe your children,
maybe your passion or even your goals in life. Referring to goals and passion,
another great example is that of the book and the documentary called the Secret.
The Secret highlights the importance of having your goals in sight and it says
that if you want it, just work tirelessly towards it without negativity
creeping in.
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